Members of Kilmore Diocese PTAA together with members of the Belturbet Choir and Friends in the Church of the Immaculate Conception at the annual PTAA Diocesan mass in 2022.

Kilmore Diocese to celebrate 125 years of PTAA

The Pioneer Total Abstinence Association (PTA) is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year and an event to mark the occasion in the Diocese of Kilmore has been organised by the Cavan branch of the association.

A celebration Mass will take place on November 15, 2024, at 2pm in Carrigallen and this will be followed by dinner at the Kilbracken Arms with music by Seamus Farrell.

During proceedings the ordination of Fr Jordan Mac Gabhann, a member of the Association, will also be recognised as will the 25th anniversary of the Association’s Dioseasan Spiritual Director, Fr Andrew Tully.

Chairman, Hugh Farrell, is extending an invitation to everyone in the Diocese to attend and he also highlighted how neighbouring dioceses are also welcome to join in the celebrations.

Pioneer pins will be allocated on the day and those wishing to get one, should send the necessary details to the chairman by September 1, 2024.

“There are so many people out there who don’t drink alcohol but are not members of the Association so we are extending an invitation to those people to come along on the day as well,” continued Mr Farrell.

“We need people to bring the Association along and it has done a lot of good for families in our society over the last 125 years. We want that to continue for the next 125 years.”

Tickets for the event on November 15 are available through Rosaleen Smith on 087-2450692 and Hugh Farrell 083-4841714.