100 hens 'dumped' in Drumcole Forest outside Belturbet

Residents took the situation in hand and all the birds were saved.

The lives of over 100 hens, dumped in the lonely and dark Drumcole Forest on Tuesday night, have been saved thanks to the decency of local residents.

The hens were discovered on Wednesday morning by a local person out walking in the forest, just 1km off the Belturbet to Aughalane Road.

The matter was immediately brought to the attention of residents in the area. The hens had no food or water and were being forced to eat grass to stay alive. They were also at the mercy of foxes, buzzards and flies by the time they were located.

A local resident in Belturbet told The Anglo-Celt that the hens were “hungry and distressed” when he saw them in the woods. He also pointed out that, over the course of Wednesday and into Thursday, “residents began to take two or three hens with them so they could take care of them at their homes”. By Wednesday night, there were close to 20 hens left.

Residents contacted gardaí who explained they were unable to assist because the matter was under the remit of the Department of Agriculture.

The Celt understands that contact was made with the animal welfare officer at the Department of Agriculture office in Cavan Town on Thursday. He travelled to the area to investigate the matter further and expressed shock at what he was seeing. The officer then contacted a farmer who agreed to take the remaining hens to safety.

Local people have indicated their “horror” over what happened to The Anglo-Celt this week. They are anxious to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again.

In a statement to the Celt, the Department of Agriculture confirmed that it is investigating the incident. "The Department is aware of the incident and is following up on the matter," a spokesperson said before adding that the Department operates a confidential Animal Welfare helpline service, "to allow for the reporting of cases of suspected abuse or neglect".

The contact details for the helpline is 01 607 2379 or email animalwelfare@agriculture.gov.ie