Housing development in Kingscourt blocked

An Bord Pleanála has refused planning permission for 76 new houses at Dun na Carraige, Kingscourt, following a successful appeal by local residents.

Cavan County Council had approved the plans by Destrina Ltd in July 2023 but that decision has now been overturned.

The appeal was lodged by the Dun na Carraige Residents Association and Claire Smith, both of whom had lodged submissions on the original planning file. Inland Fisheries was noted as an observer on the planning file.

In refusing permission, an Bord Pleanála gave two reasons for its decision.

It stated that the existing Kingscourt Wasterwater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is currently operating at capacity. As such, a temporary wastewater treatment system would need to be located on site to serve the proposed development. It would connect to the local WWTP.

The board said that there is “no confirmed timeline” for the delivery of a planned upgrade to the Kingscourt plant and, as such, the development would be “premature” and “prejudicial to public health”.

APB also said that it was not satisfied on the basis of information received that the applicant had obtained the necessary consent from Uisce Éireann to connect the temporary system to the public sewer network.

The local residents, in their submission on the original planning file to the council, had expressed concerns about the temporary wastewater treatment system. They also highlighted worries about sufficient parking spaces, green areas, road safety, flooding, potential issues with water pressure, the taking in charge of the estate and the presence of an ancient fort in the area.

The developer lodged multiple reports and surveys, as well as significant further information as part of the planning process.

Cavan County Council had granted permission with 31 conditions attached. Among them, planners stipulated that houses in the second phase of the development could not be occupied until the update of the Kingscourt Wastewater Treatment Plant had been commissioned.

They further stated that the temporary system must be decommissioned and removed from the site within six months of the new WWTP in the town becoming operational “in the interests of public health”.

Planners also requested that details of the maintenance and operation of the temporary system be provided to the local authority before the development commenced.

The conditions also stated that the applicant must sign a connection agreement with Irish Water prior to the commencement of the development.

Plant at design stage

Contacted by the Celt in relation to the issue, Uisce Éireann (UÉ) was not in a position to give a definite timeline for the delivery of the necessary Kingscourt upgrade.

A spokesperson said the project team is currently progressing the detailed design with a view to submitting application in 2025.

"Once planning permission has been granted for the project, we will be better able to give a timescale for completion of the project," said the spokesperson.