Garda road checks result in fines and arrests

'Erratic' driver reported by motorists found to be drink driving.

Cavan Roads Policing Unit conducted a check of 1,000 vehicles on the N3 from 12 noon to 10pm last Saturday. Four drivers were arrested on suspicion of drug driving, while one car was seized.

Gardaí issued over 30 fines for the offences of speeding, mobile phone use, non wearing of seat belts, bald and worn tyres, no NCT and to learner permit drivers not displaying plates or driving unaccompanied.

Meanwhile, Cavan Roads Policing Unit has expressed its thanks to motorists who brought an erratic driver on the N3 to their attention earlier this week.

Gardaí caught up with the driver who was subsequently and subject to a roadside breath test, which he failed. The driver was arrested and taken to Cavan Garda Station where further tests indicated that he was driving while over the legal limit of alcohol. A court date will follow.

And, a driver who tried to evade a checkpoint being conducted by gardaí on the N3 at the weekend was eventually caught. After investigating the vehicle, gardaí discovered that the driver’s insurance policy had been cancelled despite an insurance disc to the contrary on the windscreen. The vehicle had no tax and bore three “very worn tyres”, according to gardaí.

The car was subsequently detained under Section 41 of the Road Traffic Act and the driver has been charged to appear in court.