Parking problems being addressed in Kingscourt

The development of housing estates, the expansion of the local secondary school, recreational facilities and parking facilities are all underway in Kingscourt.

“It’s great to see housing developments going on because it’s something that has been very scarce in the town. You wouldn’t get a room much less a house,” Cllr Clifford Kelly said, adding that addressing housing supply is “very important” with several major industries in the town.

The Kingscourt Town Centre Regeneration plan, comprising almost €10.9M, is underway with plans currently going to tender for the new library, digital and business hub, the market square and the centre of the town. Off-street parking is also being installed in the town which is “so important” for business, locals and commuters to the town.

“To drive through the town at any time, it’s very hard to get a parking space,” observed the council stalwart.

The new parking facility will see 119 spaces added to the centre of the town at what was known as Shackleton's Yard. Cllr Kelly is currently awaiting conformation on when this will start.

“You’ll be three minutes from any business premises when you park there, there’ll be an entrance off the Main Street and there’ll be an entrance off the Rocks Road.

“That’s a major development for Kingscourt, it will change the face of the town and we’re hoping that other developments will take place as well.”


The Boyne Valley to Lakelands Greenway was opened from Kingscourt to Navan which Cllr Kelly said is attracting “huge huge numbers from far and near”.

“At the present we are trying to arrange extra parking at that development,” he said, explaining there was “a problem” whereby cars were parking along the road and blocking the entrance of lorries into a “large business” located near the walkway.

“It was causing difficulties but we’re working away to try and get that extra car parking space there.”

The Greenway will be extended into Dún na Rí Forest Park and link into the town.

“We expected it to be busy and it is very busy and it’s great to see it happening.”

The car park is expected to be completed by early next year.

“What we are doing at present is we are putting in a substantial number of spaces, as I speak the work is going on.

“That will help I hope to alleviate the problem.

“We should have foreseen it but anyway we’re dealing with it as best as we can,” he said.


A children’s playground is also expected to be constructed in the forest park “shortly”, all of which Cllr Kelly said will bring a “very very big boost” in tourism.

A new entrance to the forest park is also being designed on the Carrick Road to make it “more visible” to motorists.

“You’d drive past it at the minute,” he acknowledged.


Cllr Kelly said he is working to address road issues in the area.

“Like every other councillor I’m fighting for more money for roads, it’s very very important.

“We have a few bad roads and one of them for a while was impassible.

“It’s all down to proper funding, we’re not getting it and it’s not the council’s fault but for the general public, that doesn’t stack up because they’re paying road tax, property tax, everything and they’re expecting that they’ll have proper road facilities,” he said.

Another project which is going “full steam ahead” is the extension of Colaiste Dún na Rí which will “double the size” of the school.

“It’s great news,” he said.

Planning was granted for the extension of the school however there are some conditions in the planning which must be met. Construction is expected to start early next year on the school. “There’s lots of things happening in Kingscourt,” he said he enthused.

“I think it’s going to make a huge difference to Kingscourt.”