National Cancer Strategy must be implemented - Cllr Smith

More funding is needed if the National Cancer Strategy is to be implemented. That’s according to Cllr Áine Smith (FF) who raised the matter at the July meeting of Cavan County Council.

Cllr Smith says 42000 people in Ireland are diagnosed with cancer every year and as a result “developing new services nationally is a challenge”.

“Electronic healthcare records are way behind other EU countries and there is a lack of PET/CT scanners in our hospitals,” Cllr Smith said. “Staff in our hospitals work very hard to take care of cancer patients but ring fenced funding from the National Cancer Strategy is what’s needed.”

Cllr Smith went on to say that even simple funding measures would help to alleviate additional pressures and stress for cancer patients. Such measures include funding to cover car parking costs so that cancer patients don’t have to pay while receiving treatment.

She also highlighted how increasing the Drugs Payment Scheme threshold might also assist patients.

Currently, under the scheme, no individual pays more than €80 a month towards the cost of approved prescribed medicines.

“I am asking Cavan County Council to write to the Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly to ensure that the government provides appropriate funding in the next Budget,” said Cllr Smith.

Sinn Fein’s Noel Connell (SF) agreed. He said that the powers have a moral obligation “to do the right thing” on the matter.

“This government needs to step up to the plate now and introduce this strategy… and sooner rather than later,” he concluded.