Drumully House was purchased to establish The Missionary Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary at Killeshandra, Co Cavan, in March 1924.

WATCH: Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary Killeshandra celebrate centenary

This weekend the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary, Killeshandra, celebrations of the Centenary of the religious order with a special Mass at the Cathedral in Cavan.

From humble beginnings and a shared vision by Bishop Joseph Shanahan, CSSP, Vicar Apostolic of Southern Nigeria and the Bishop of Kilmore, Patrick Finegan, to the entry of seven women in the Killeshandra congregation after just five of months training with the Cabra Dominican sisters; in a few short years, the local convent became home to 115 sisters with members serving on missionary work in Southern Nigeria.

Three of the original seven sisters - Agnes Ryan, Ellen Burns and Nora Leddy - were all native to County Cavan.

Today, the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary serve in 14 countries across the world. And, despite the fact the Convent in Killeshandra closed in 1985, the rich legacy of helping and caring for others less fortunate by the Missionary Sisters lives on to this day.

Nine sisters reside in Cavan Town - seven in the Convent adjacent the Cathedral of Ss Patrick 7 Felim, aptly called ‘Killeshandra House’, and two in a private house.

When Bishop Shanahan officially founded the order in March 1924, he described how “spreading the gospel of Christ” was central to missionary work. He pointed to how boys in Nigeria who were educated to a certain proficiency could, under the supervision of the clergy, begin to impart their knowledge to families less fortunate.

Although the Missions were the primary focus for the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary in Killeshandra, their contribution to education in the locality was enormous. One of the sisters from the congregation was principal at St Brigid’s National School for nearly 20 years.

Throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s children of national school age were taught about the work on the Missions. There was huge awareness of the poverty in Africa and children were encouraged to collect stamps and save their pennies for the Missions.

In 2013 a Memorial Day was held in Killeshandra where a dedicated Cross was blessed. The Cross was erected by Lakeland Dairies, Killeshandra, in dedication to the Holy Rosary Sisters who had lived in the area.

Earlier this year a Mass was held in Killeshandra Parish Church to mark the Centenary of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary in Killeshandra’s centenary.

The Mass at the cathedral today brings the centenary celebrations to a close.

Watch the Mass at the Cathedral HERE.