The bridge in Mullagh has a large hole which Cllr O’Reilly raised concerns about.

Warning of 'big crash' waiting to happen in Mullagh

More traffic calming measures and a bridge renovation are being sought for the Mullagh area.

Cllr Shane P O’Reilly raised the issues at a meeting of the Ballyjamesduff Municipal District councillors last Friday, July 19.

He's asking for a traffic survey to be carried out on the town’s main street.

“There is going to be a big crash at the top of Mullagh,” he warned, adding that the town is being used as a “rat run” to avoid traffic in Virginia.

He said at least 40 trucks pass through the agricultural town per day and highlighted the need for a survey to determine “exactly” how much traffic passes through daily.

The Independent Ireland councillor suggested that something be done to Dalton’s wall at the top of the town. Acknowledging that it holds historic and sentimental value to many people in the town, revealing that he smoked his “first fag” there, he posed the question: “Is a wall more important than public safety?”

“We probably need something like a roundabout at the top of the town,” he suggested.

Responding, Area Engineer, John McGahern, said a survey was carried out in the town two years ago, which concluded that “the wall had to stay".

“It’s blind,” he said of the junction.

“If the wall can go, that’s fantastic,” the engineer said.

“Let’s see what we can do,” he concluded.

Moynally bridge

Cllr Shane P. O'Reilly also raised concerns over the bridge on the Mullach Mór road over the Moynally River. Heavy machinery using the road had recently hit the bridge, causing more damage.

The local man described the bridge as a safety hazard, particularly during school terms, as children walking home from school sit on the wall.

He said you would be “afraid of your life” that the bridge would collapse while children are sitting on it.

Mr McGahern said an inspection of the wall was carried out two years ago and that a full revamp of the bridge has been submitted for next year.

Cllr O’Reilly suggested that the bridge be cordoned off in the meantime.