Drone picture of 50th anniversary celebration

St Mary’s Church mark golden jubilee

Marion Leavey

St Mary’s Church Clanaphilip 50th Anniversary Celebrations took place on July 21. It was a moment in history.

The celebrations commenced with Patricia Smith welcoming Bishop Michael Router. Killinkere was Bishop Router’s first parish after ordination, residing as curate in Clanaphilip. Patricia also welcomed the priests who ministered in Killinkere and had returned for the celebration: Canon Liam Kelly, Fr Charley O’Gorman, Fr Frank Kelleher, Fr Anothony Fagan, and Fr Eamonn Lynch. Fr John Cooney, a native of Killinkere, joined his fellow priests. Patricia also welcomed all who had travelled and those who were joined online.

Patricia reminded us that the parish of Killinkere had gathered in the same Church, on the same day, at the same time of 3pm 50 years ago, to do what we were doing; preparing for Mass.

Patricia provided a commentary on symbols presented by parishioners. The first child to be baptised in the new St Mary’s 50 years ago was Katie Stafford on July 29, 1974. Katie was unable to attend. The most recent child to be baptised was Ava Connors in May 2024. Ava’s parents brought forward her Baptismal Candle to the altar. The first wedding to take place in the church was Seamus Gaffney and Bernadette Fitzsimons on September 7, 1974. The couple brought their wedding photo to the altar. The most recent wedding to take place was Christopher Dalton and Ciara Cooney on June 14, 2024. They brought their wedding photo to the altar. A pair of cushions made by Susan McCabe, Termon (mother of Jimmy, Patsy and Nora) were sold to raise funds, at a Sale of Work, for the building of the church. They were purchased by the Clarke Family Granafarna, and are still in use today, as good as new. They were brought to the altar by Noeleen Smith member of the Clarke family and Rosaleen Fitzsimons, granddaughter of Susan McCabe in memory of all those who helped build St Mary’s Church.

The 1974 commemorative booklet of the Dedication and Blessing of the Church in 1974 was brought to the altar by Joe Sharkey (chair of the St Mary’s Finance Committee). The 2024 commemorative Booklet which contains all of the history from the 1974 booklet, updated list of clergy who ministered in Killinkere, an Anglo-Celt report on the Dedication and Blessing of St Mary’s in 1974, and some pictures old and new.

The Liturgy of the Mass then commenced. The Readers of the Word were Eileen Brady and Paul Clarke, the Psalm was sung by Fr Darragh Connolly PP.

In Bishop Router’s wonderful Homily he spoke about the church’s unique design, whereby no matter where you sat you were close to the altar and Tabernacle. This also meant that everyone could see everything and everybody but it also meant that the priest could hear everything, possibly some things other than prayers! Bishop Router spoke fondly of his time as curate in Killinkere from 1989 to 1991, the warmth of the people and the many pleasant and happy memories and fun filled occasions.

We would like to record at this time that "it works both ways." Bishop Router endeared himself to the community he lived in and still does to this day.

He spoke of the content of the Gospel of the day, where Jesus found it difficult to get to a place of peace and quiet, even for a short while. Bishop Router said it was always peaceful in St Mary’s; set in the beautiful countryside. He paid tribute to Fr Paddy McCabe (RIP) who was parish priest at the time calling him a gentleman who allowed Bishop Michael plough his own furrow and manage St Mary’s area of the parish. He also spoke about the original St Mary’s stone church that was demolished before his arrival. The beautiful grotto was made from stone from the old church. The original bell is also being used to this day. Bishop Router reminded us all that the church is all of us, not just a building, but a living, breathing community, that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is among us every time we gather in the church.

Mass continued with the Prayers of the Faithful read by Mary Fitzsimons which included a prayer for the first person whose funeral took place in the new St Mary’s; Margaret Farrelly, Granafarna who died on July 21 1974 and for Elizabeth Hopkins, Lisanymore who died on July 15.

Collectors were Michael Cooney and Vincent Farrelly. The gifts of Bread and Wine were brought to the altar by Eugene Smith (former Sacristan), JohnJoe Smith (brother of Eugene) current Sacristan and Donal Traynor representing his father JohnJoe RIP (former Sacristan)

Tommy McCluskey played Ag Criost on Siol on the Uileann Pipes for Post Communion reflection.

Fr Darragh Connolly PP echoed Fr McCabe and Bishop Router’s words that a church gains its soul over time and that St Mary’s definitely now had soul by the very fact that the community come to worship and pray here. Fr Darragh thanked everyone involved in preparations for this great day, without naming any names. He acknowledged the contribution of many people in the preparations from attending meetings, to construction, decorating, cleaning, music.

Mass concluded with a final hymn. Altar servers were Hugo Smith, Ronan Traynor and Ellen Comey.

The Parish Choir, relatives and friends provided the Liturgical music, with Phelim Sharkey on guitar and Tommy McCluskey on whistle and uilleann pipes. We must mention the three youngest members of the choir on the day Erin Fitzsimons, Ava Smith and Layla Kerr who sang beautifully.

A tree planting ceremony followed as the rain mercifully stopped for the 10 minutes needed to carry out the ceremony. Tommy McCluskey played the whistle, Bishop Michael read the prayer and four of the people involved in the construction of the church planted the tree, Joe Carolan, Vincent Carolan, Francis Sharkey and Brendan Stafford. An aerial picture was taken by Fr Darragh by drone to capture the moment.

All then proceeded to the marquee set up in the car park for the most welcome refreshments provided. Everyone was looked after by a strong team. Cillin Chéir Comhaltas provided lovely uplifting tunes.

A specially designed cake was then cut by Kathleen Clarke and Brigie McCabe loyal contributors of their time to the church.

We all feel very blessed for this happy day celebrating the 50th Anniversary of St Mary’s Church Clanaphilip, Killinkere.

See p15 for more.