Bernadette Carroll, Michelle Maguire, and seated Beatrice Rudden, being greeted by Bishop Michael Router.PHOTOS: Sean McMahon

St Mary’s Church, Clanaphilip, celebrates golden jubilee

Last Sunday was a special day in the lives of the people of Killinkere and further afield, when their church, St Mary’s, Clanaphilip, celebrated the 50th anniversary of its dedication.

The mass took place on the exact same date, at the exact time, as the church was first blessed back in July 21, 1974.

On that day in 1974, the dedication was attended by then Bishop of Kilmore, Francis McKiernan; Deputy Fitzpatrick, Minister for Lands and Deputy John Wilson, who would later be Tánaiste, among others. Members of the Kingscourt Brass and Reed band were also present to provide music.

This present church was a replacement for the old church that stood in the adjoining graveyard site for over a hundred years, built in 1870.

Bishop Michael Router’s first appointment as a priest was in Clanaphilip in Killinkere, all of 35 years ago, and he returned last Sunday to deliver a special homily for the historic and holy occasion.

“Now, when I came here 35 years ago, this church had already found its soul and had developed its own character. It had developed a soul from you - the people - by making use of it as a place of worship and a place of quiet prayer,” said Bishop Router.

He revealed how he felt “spoiled” and privileged to be sent there and afforded a very comfortable home - “probably one of the best houses I ever had”.

The bishop was also full of praise for the choir in Clanaphilip, saying they were a match even for the choir in the Cathedral in Armagh.

“Thank you for your beautiful contribution to the Liturgy and over the years as well,” said Bishop Router to the parishioners.

“Today evokes and contains many memories for all of you – joyful memories of Baptisms, Weddings, First Communions and of course the sad memories as well – sad memories of funerals of loved ones and friends, who through the example of their lives, brought you into a deeper relationship with God, our Loving Father, whose house this is,” said the bishop.

He expressed his sincere hope that, in another 50 years from now, another generation will gather in Clanaphilip to celebrate the church’s centenary “knowing that they were blessed by God in this place and blessed by all of your efforts, to pass on the gifts of faith”.

Fr Darragh Connolly also acknowledged and thanked all the people in the community, including the members of the Pastoral Council and the Finance Committee, who generously give their time to enhance the church and its surroundings.

A beautiful commemorative book was produced for the occasion.

It contains a history of the church and features an article from the Celt recounting the events that took place in the church 50 years ago.

“I want to thank all our past parish priests and curates who attended here today. They have come from afar to celebrate this golden jubilee. I especially thank Bishop Michael Router for joining us here today and delivering the homily and for your beautiful words,” said Fr Connolly.

After the ceremony Bishop Router planted a tree in the grounds to mark the occasion.

Then it was off to the marquee for lovely refreshments and the cutting of a magnificent cake.