Deputy Brendan Smith

Major investment in Cavan Town

Cavan Town is home to "key services" for those who need them, says Deputy Brendan Smith.

“We have a vibrant county town growing in business and commerce with an increasing population,” he told the Celt this week.

Government investment is stimulating private investment, said the Fianna Fáil TD.

“This investment across a range of areas is strongly supporting projects that will benefit our county for many years ahead,” he contended.

“Day in, day out, I make the case to government Ministers, Departments and State Agencies for improved facilities and services in all of our constituency.”

Deputy Smith highlighted a number of key investments in recent years including a €15M allocation by Minister Darragh O’Brien for the Abbeylands Regeneration project.

"[The] development of a new town centre as a result of this project will bring a variety of new enterprises to the town.

“New enterprises that will come on stream will bring additional footfall, business and employment to our county town,” he added.

In the education sector, Deputy Smith said a “major extension” consisting of general classrooms, special education teaching rooms and science rooms is at detailed design stage for Breifne College.

“Other local primary and second level schools have had upgrading of their accommodation or other developments in planning,” he added.

Deputy Smith further outlined "very substantial" investment by the Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly in local facilities.

"Cavan General Hospital will have a new three-storey extension block, housing a new Endoscopy Unit, new ward accommodation consisting of 58 beds and the relocation of the existing Emergency Department. A new Oncology Unit will also be provided," explained the local deputy.

“These new and upgraded facilities will be extremely important in the provision of healthcare for all age groups along with the new St Christopher’s Hospice,” he concluded.