Fifty five possible bus shelter sites surveyed

There’s been a demand for more bus shelters across the county.

Cllr Áine Smith (FF) made the call at the July council meeting last week when she indicated that she had seen people standing out in the rain waiting for their bus. She said the situation is becoming more and more unacceptable.

In response, the council executive revealed that 55 locations have been surveyed for bus shelter provision locally.

Those gathered heard that, of these, 24 locations were deemed unsuitable; three are currently at design stage; and hopes are high that another six locations “will get across the line” towards the end of this year.

The meeting also heard that Cavan County Council is in the process of securing funding for the shelters from the National Transport Authority (NTA).

In conclusion, members were told that, if they had a location in mind, they should bring it to council executive’s attention and they would then survey the site for suitability.