The late Benny King

Gone but not forgotten - the late Benny King

A light has gone out in our community and most especially at Lacken Celtics Club with the passing of Benny King Carrickaclevan which occurred on Sunday July 7 at Cavan General Hospital after a short illness.

Benny was the heart and soul of everything that went on around Crowe Park for so many years, always there to carry out a task big or small it didn’t matter such was his devotion to the club he loved.

It just wasn’t his club, he was a staunch worker for Cavan Co Board and on match days you would see him there stewarding and it didn’t matter the weather - in the depths of winter at a McKenna Cup match or a hot summer’s day - he was there to help out.

Second youngest of a family of seven, born to parents Josie and Kathleen he grew up on a small farm in times when money was hard to come by, but the farm like many others at the time, sustained them and everyone was happy with their lot and made do.

The King homestead rang with music. His father Josie and uncle Dominic were outstanding musicians who could play many instruments. They were members of Bruskey Ceile Band and played many venues back then, it was also the place where they got together to rehearse so Benny had music ringing in his ears from early childhood, yet I don’t think he ever played himself.

Apart from being a trojan worker for Lacken he followed the club’s fortunes through the years - the men, the ladies and camogs, and there was loads of success and celebration through those years and no better man to enjoy himself than Benny when the craic was good. Sadly he won’t be there anymore.

When Benny finished primary school he headed off to Carrigallen Vocational where he made many friends and among places he worked was Aircell in Gowna where he spent many happy years. That it was very convenient to home made it even better. Another job which he did in later years was working on the local community employment scheme. It was a job that had him in constant touch with everyone around the town of Ballinagh where he made sure the streets were always neat and tidy. It suited him down to earth, and when he dropped into Tom and Kathleen’s shop he met all his friends there.

At the lotto draw in the clubrooms every Monday night he was first person there organising to ensure everything was in order. He and partner Jenny most weeks brought in close to one hundred tickets which they sold by calling to homes in their area and also in McSeains; now that will be dearly missed. Last week’s draw was cancelled as a mark of respect.

Another voluntary task he carried out when asked was taking up church gate collections. Just some weeks ago he obliged myself by doing it for Epilepsy. When his late father Josie died he was a great source of kindness and help to his mother, bringing her to places she wanted to visit, including the USA and many places in Ireland and of course a trip to his cousins in Drumard where many a late night ceile was made by the pair of them.

The annual big vintage day in aid of Self Help Africa which took place in Cornafean was another place you would find him working, making sure that the events, of which there were many, all ran smoothly. We all remember his late mother with her good old friend Kathleen Fitzsimons RIP as they made the homemade butter with the churn on that day where hundreds attended - all great old memories that are often recalled. It was a huge family day out where people came from all over.

Benny found love and great joy in his life when he met Jenny who hails from Co. Waterford. Together they enjoyed great times and many times you would meet them at all kinds of occasions. Many a weekend they shared with their friends in McSeains Lounge, it is a place they will be dearly missed in the times ahead.

Benny had lots of interests in life and the recent phenomenon of Men’s Shed was something he was devoted to seeing grow. The Shed in Lacken was inspired by him and the members hope to see its growth continue, and again he will be missed by all involved.

Politics was in his blood, a lifelong member of Fine Gael many a debate he fought with lads from the other side. One in particular that springs to mind is his great old friend Bill Shanaghy. When it came to politics the gloves were off and the battle intense, but when the civil war parties came together the Wateraughey Carrickaclevan war ended and Bill with a teary eye will miss his old buddy.

Family get togethers was a time Benny loved and as we sat in Finnegans funeral home for his reposing the events of those happy times were on screen and it brought back many memories of days gone past when the family circle were all together. That circle has suffered a lot of sadness in the recent past and Benny like the rest of them felt the pain of it all.

Social outings were a place where he was in his element always up for a bit of craic and many times over the years he joined the celebrations whatever the occasion.

Benny was brought up in a home where faith was strong. As a young boy like the rest of his comrades made the journey to Sunday Mass by foot and St Michael’s Potahee was the place, it was also where he received his sacraments in later years and where his final farewell took place.

Looking back on his life he was full of goodness and kindness, never a bad word to say about anyone - he hand no enemies. He was a good neighbour who would do anything for you, big or small. Many a lift he gave to people in his Polo and the journey didn’t matter. The old rocky roads around Carrickcleevan will never be the same again as the little Polo is now silent and no more we will see him out and about. As the saying goes: nothing stays the same.

Benny’s passing shocked us all . There was no time to prepare. He was gone quietly, just as he had lived. May his good and kind hearted soul rest forever in eternal peace.

His remains reposed at Finnegans funeral home where huge crowds came to say farewell to a much loved and respected man whose life was cut short.

Then it was out the road to his old home passing through the town he had given much to, and then he entered the place that kept his heart beating over so many years and the place that he gave so much of his time too - Crowe Park and what a reception he got as his cortege entered the grounds a massive turnout of club members and friends formed a guard of honour - a fitting tribute to a faithful servant.

On Tuesday St. Michael’s was full to overflowing as his funeral Mass was celebrated by Rev Sean McDermott with con-celebrant Rev Kevin Fay and what a beautiful send off it was with James and Mary doing what they do best while his cousins Eileen, Mary, and Dominic made it feel like an Irish night in some of the locals, a lovely musical goodbye.

His body was taken then to Lakelands Crematorium where prayers were offered and his family circle said a last farewell. To his brothers Donal, Dominic, Michael, sisters Betty, Kathleen and partner Jenny, nephews, nieces, brother in law, sisters in law and all extended family we extend our deepest sympathies.

Obituary kindly submitted by Danny Brady