The Corlough Team had pulling power as they went on to earn victory.

Sports day in memory of Luke

A memorial sports day for the late Luke Byrne was celebrated last Saturday at Corlough GAA grounds in glorious sunshine.

Luke died tragically in a car accident on the N3 near Kilnaleck on June 9, 2022. The 17-year-old was a dedicated member and player of Corlough GAA since underage level and the club wanted to hold a family fun day event in his memory.

The sports day comprised different races for children and a tug of war competition for adults, as well as a barbecue.

His parents Tony and Lorraine Byrne said the fun events were designed to remember Luke in the parish, as their son's birthday approaches.

“It is also a day of gratitude who helped us through the tough times. People were a great help,” Tony told the Celt.

Luke's sister Grace could not be present as she is in Canada, on a Camp Canada break, after obtaining an honours degree in Philosophy and Anthropology from Maynooth University.

Gerry Prior, Corlough Club Chairman acted as MC for the various events on the day; while Peter McVitty performed his duties as referee for the Tug-O-War. Susan McVitty, John McGovern and many others were also involved in organising of the event.

Beautiful trophies made from wood by Tony Byrne were presented to the winning Tug-O-War teams afterwards.

Gerry Prior congratulated all the teams for participating, including neighbouring clubs. He extended thanks to all the people involved in organising the children’s events on the pitch.

Then everyone enjoyed the burgers from the barbecue and cups of tea and lots of beautiful buns.