Smith welcomes new British Government commitment to repeal Legacy Act

Fianna Fáil TD Brendan Smith has welcomed the commitment to repeal and replace the controversial Legacy Act.

The Cavan-Monaghan TD said the decision is long-overdue and that needs of the victims must be considered first and foremost as part of any revised approach.

"The law is entirely unacceptable as it stands," Deputy Smith said. "It banned the cessation of inquests, criminal investigations, prosecutions, PSNI and Police Ombudsman investigations concerned with events that occurred during the Troubles. It is wholly inappropriate and not fit-for-purpose. It needs to be repealed immediately.

Deputy Smith is among those to have "repeatedly called on the former British Government to remove this law so I am pleased that the new British Government, under Prime Minister Keir Starmer, has committed to repealing and replacing the Act.

"It is not compliant with the European Convention on Human Rights. There is an urgent need for a comprehensive, collective and victim-centred approach to legacy issues."