Lorry loads of rubbish have been dumped in Shercock on several occasions over the last few weeks. The matter was raised at the recent monthly meeting of Cavan County Council.

Lorry loads of rubbish being dumped in Shercock

Lorry loads of rubbish are being dumped on the green in Shercock every weekend and it’s been going on for weeks.

That’s according to Cllr Clifford Kelly (FF) who raised the matter during this week’s meeting of local authority members last Monday, July 15.

Speaking to those gathered in the council chamber for their first monthly meeting post election, Cllr Kelly described the matter as “serious” and highlighted how “unfair” it was to do such a thing to the local Tidy Towns group which, he added, “does a great job keeping the place clean”.

“This rubbish being dumped is blowing all around the green and into local residents’ gardens,” he fumed.

Meanwhile, Cllr Kelly pointed out that the first time the incident occurred, he contacted Cavan County Council’s environmental department which “reacted immediately” to the situation by cleaning the site and removing the rubbish.

“But then it happened again and a few more times,” Cllr Kelly continued. “The loads that are being dumped are substantial.”

Cllr Carmel Brady (FG) indicated she too had been informed of the matter. She had made inquiries about CCTV cameras in Cootehill being used to monitor fly-tipping in her locality.

‘Flouting the law’

Cllr Brady went on to tell the meeting she was extremely disappointed to learn the cameras weren’t yet operational due to data protection legislation.

“We have a situation now where people are leaving paint cans and DIY materials in a recycling area and it has become an absolute mess,” continued Cllr Brady, highlighting the lack of deterrents aimed at preventing people from dumping their rubbish in rural towns and villages in the first instance.

The executive of Cavan County Council told the meeting it would bring the concerns of members back to the environmental section.

Those in attendance were told that every effort would be made by the local authority to secure resources to prevent situations like those discussed from happening again.

In conclusion, Cllr Winston Bennett (FG) added: “People are flouting the law while at the same time giving local authorities the two fingers. It’s time now to call a halt to this type of behaviour.”