Community ‘furious’ over attempt to steal water pump

A council water pump was pulled from the ground in Canningstown in the early hours of Wednesday morning (July 10).

The water pump, of historical and sentimental value to the community, and its attempted theft has left locals outraged and disappointed.

Eugene Markey is a local historian who has been living in the area all his life. He awoke to the sounds of tyres spinning on the road at around 4am on Wednesday morning (July 10).

“I went down to the road, which is just at the bottom of my garden,” he explained.

A silver hatchback car with two people took off towards Bailieborough as Eugene approached. They had secured a strap around the pump and were attempting to pull it. The pump was not fully uprooted, secured by two bolts.

“They almost had it away,” Eugene said.

Prior to this, the cast iron pump had been standing there for 82 years. It had a unique “cow handle”, which Eugene explained is a specific curved handle and the original cage around it. The pump was used by the community in the 1960s.

“It was an old Cavan County Council water pump, which would have supplied the needs of the people of Canningstown over the years.

“It’s one of the few pumps left with the cage in the county of Cavan.”

Eugene rang the Gardaí who informed him that, because the water pump is council property, they cannot follow it up unless the council pursues it.

“I’ve been keeping the pump for the last 30 years as a feature, one of the few heritage features we’ve left coming into Canningstown.

“I’m so very upset by it.”

The pump has been taken away by Cavan County Council and removed to Eugene’s yard. He hopes it will be re-erected, however, is not sure when this will be.

“It will be reinstated, that’s for definite,” he assured.

Asked what the motivation was for taking this piece, Eugene replied “greed”.

“They’re being sold in different places for garden features or garden ornaments.

Having worked in Cavan County Museum for over 10 years, such pieces hold a lot of value to Eugene.

“It’s the last little one of these pumps that I’m aware of in the parish.

“I feel disgusted and very, very annoyed that someone would even stoop so low as to do that.

“Canningstown is a small spot and to think that this would happen has upset everybody. “It is a nice feature in a small village.

“It was the only pump that served the village of Canningstown for many many long years.”

Aontú’s Sarah O’Reilly assured Cavan County Council “will do everything we can to ensure that the culprits are caught and prosecuted”.

She has asked the council if the area around the pump could be made more secure “to protect it for the future so it will be there for another 80 years”.

The residents of Canningstown take great pride in their area, they keep the village maintained beautifully and work hard to keep the items of heritage and culture cared for and in tact for future generations to enjoy,” she said.

“This kind of thuggery and vandalism is disgraceful and totally unacceptable,” she said.