Jim Maguire, chairman, Bailieborough Development Association with Cllr Sarah O’Reilly, Cathaoirleach, Bailieborough Cootehill MD and Anna Fitzpatrick, library assistant, pictured on the Market Square, which is due for a major upgrade soon.

Regeneration of Bailieborough well underway

The regeneration of Bailieborough is starting to have a positive effect on the town.

Public consultation revealed that the residents’ primary concerns was roads, particularly the market square junction.

“That’s the biggest issue,” said Aontu’s Sarah O’Reilly, who said that this is the first issue that the project will tackle.

Cavan County Council carried out a traffic survey between May 21 to May 28 with cameras placed on all roads to Bailieborough to determine traffic flows. This brought “astonishing results”, which the project will use in making the area safer.

“The people of Bailiebrough wanted that junction sorted out,” Cllr O'Reilly said.

The first project in the plan was to pedestrianise the entire market square area to make it more “pedestrian friendly", she revealed.

The market house development project, under the Rural Regeneration Development Fund, will see the building turned into a heritage centre and meeting hub in the town, which is expected to be completed and open before the end of this year.

The Tidy Towns Committee hope to create a “pocket park” behind the Church of Ireland in Bailieborough, which they have commissioned through Cavan County Council.

“It’ll be a people’s park,” Cllr O'Reilly explained, adding that they hope to plant trees and make it an inviting space for people to walk in.

“I’m delighted with the amount of work that’s going on. “We are taking all of this from the public consultation that was done for the regeneration of Bailieborough," she said, adding that she is "looking forward to seeing the design plan for the market square" and other works due to take place under the regeneration plan.