Arva GFS girls with branch leaders Rosemary, Sandra and Barbara; Diocesan GFS President, Gillian; All-Ireland GFS President Alison and Archdeacon Hazel Hicks with their Diocesan prizes following service in Carrigallen Church.

Arva Girls Friendly Society celebrate

Arva Girls Friendly Society (GFS) recently celebrated their success in winning multiple prizes at Diocesan and All-Ireland level.

GFS is a worldwide youth organisation for girls and women, aged three years upwards. It is a Christian-based organisation in which the girls work through a programme of crafts, bible study, cookery, drama, physical education, exploration, technology, etc.

The Arva GFS branch is a very small but vibrant group. Currently it has seven members. This year, the girls completed badge work in drama and physical education, as well as competing in crafts and bible study.

Arva GFS hosted the Diocesan Church Service in Carrigallen recently. Following the service, the diocesan winners of the crafts and bible study competitions were announced with the first prize winners in each age group from five to seven year upwards going through to the All-Ireland competition.

Having won a host of prizes at Diocesan level, the Arva girls were delighted when the All-Ireland winners were announced and they emerged with two first place winners, as well as a highly commended. The girls’ achievements were celebrated at the service in Gowna church on Sunday, June 23.

Diocesan Crafts: 3-5 years, 2nd, Bella; 5-7 years, 3rd prize Zara and highly commended Georgia; 7-9 years, highly commended Heidi and Angel; 9-11 years, highly commended, Tiegan; 11-13 years, highly commended Eden.

Diocesan Bible Study: 3-5 years, 1st, Bella; 5-7 years, 1st and the Jean Lindsay trophy, Georgia; 3rd, Zara; 7-9 years, 1st and the Rosemary Bond Cup, Heidi; 3rd, Angel; 9-11 years, 1st and the Daisy Boyle Cup, Tiegan; 11-13 years, 2nd, Eden.

All Ireland Bible Study: 5-7 years, 1st and the Emila Corrigan Cup, Georgia; 7-9 years, highly commended, Heidi; 9-11 years, 1st and All-Ireland Cup, Tiegan.

Congratulations to each of the seven girls in Arva GFS and to their leaders on such a wonderful achievement.