Tents at Rann Point over the weekend.

Anti-social behaviour ongoing at Rann Point

Human waste on the ground and several tents were visible at Rann Point over the weekend, photos received by The Anglo-Celt show.

A local to the area reported that there were “tents and people” and “cars all over the place” some of which were blocking the roadway and access to water for launching boats.

They were also reportedly using the local amenity “as a toilet”.

Bye-laws aimed at equipping authorities with new powers to clampdown on anti-social behaviour at one of the county’s most popular scenic spots are in the process of being drafted.

Popular with families, many of whom travel from outside the county to enjoy the natural surrounds, bye-laws have been mooted going back several years.

While gardaí are at present manning patrols as part of a special operation, the hope is that the renewed bye-laws will provide them with even more power to police the area, which is adjacent to one of Cavan’s most historic attractions, Cloughoughter Castle.

Asked what these bye-laws would entail, a spokesperson for Cavan County Council said: “This process is still ongoing.

“It would not be appropriate to comment on the specific content of the proposed bye-laws until they are drafted and approved.”