Caroline Van den Berg and Johanna Birsanu

A fun day out in the wild

Wild Wardrobe held a family fun day at the weekend and presented cheques to its patron charities Kildare Wildlife Rescue, Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland and Dooletter Wildlife Rescue following the balancing of the shop’s end of year books.

Johanna Birsanu and Caroline Van den Berg established Wild Wardrobe in 2021; it’s the only non-profit organisation in the country that supports Irish wildlife.

All proceeds locally go to Kildare Wildlife Rescue, which received €4,000; Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland, €2,700; and Dooletter Wildlife Rescue, which takes animals that come into the care of Johanna and Caroline, it received €2,700. They were presented at a family fun day last weekend.

Speaking to The Anglo-Celt afterwards, Caroline pointed to how she is the Cavan representative for wildlife rescue and now that the ‘Orphan Season’ has kicked in, there are numerous issues to contend with.

“A swan could find itself in trouble or a bird might fall out of its nest,” she explained.

“Our focus is on native Irish wildlife and, during this particular season, so many things can go wrong. Birds can get caught by cats or there are issues for pigeons because they are very bad nest builders.”

Meanwhile, Caroline says that from the ‘get go’ in 2021, Wild Wardrobe pledged its profit to the three chosen charities and the bonds that have been secured since then continue to go from strength to strength.

She pointed to the wildlife rescues, which are currently endeavouring to get a rescue ambulance on the road, adding the funds allocated “will help with this”.

“There are other rescues looking at introducing thermal energy drones. This technology is particularly helpful in circumstances where a badger, for example, gets injured and it’s necessary to locate the animal or find the cubs that are nesting.”

Caroline also highlighted that Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland focuses on education. She is also very thankful to everyone who has supported Wild Wardrobe and its cause over the last 12 months.

“I want to thank all our customers and those who donated unwanted clothing because without that we wouldn’t be able to do what we do. We are very grateful to everyone.”