Cuilcagh summit with Detective AnnMarie Larkin, retired Sergeants Danny Devlin, Pat Beirne and Freddy Murray.

‘They have mountains to climb every morning when they wake up’

A retired Donegal sergeant hiked all 32 county high points in aid of the Little Blue Heroes foundation.

Danny Devlin (62) from Letterkenny is no stranger to mountain climbing having climbed Mera Peak in the Himalayas, which stands at 21,500 thousand feet!

Due to his experience with hiking, Danny decided to restrict himself 11 days to complete the challenge to make the process more difficult.

Cuilcagh in Cavan was mountain 24 on his ninth day. Danny was joined by Cavan members Detective Annmarie Larkin, Kevin Dockery, and others.

The next day, they took on Slieve Beagh in County Monaghan, after which Danny scaled two more mountains on the same day. He finished on June 11 on Mount Errigal.

“The bravery these children show every day, they have mountains to climb every morning when they wake up,” said Det Larkin, who is based in Bailieborough.

“What they go through and they’re still smiling, they’re just amazing.”

Det Larkin is the representative of the Little Blue Heroes Foundation in Cavan Monaghan, where there are 23 Little Blue Heroes. The branch was established three years ago and any money raised goes directly to the families who need it.

“It’s a Garda-led charity with volunteers and we help seriously ill children with life limiting illnesses,” she explained.

They also give financial aid, with each family who signs up getting €1,000. The members also seek to empower children by making them honorary gardaí.

They also organise seasonal activities and trip for children. When Det Larkin spoke to the Celt, she was on a trip on the Aran Islands with the foundation.

“There’s a lot people wouldn’t know about, we also give bereavement grants to any families who have children who pass away, which happens too often unfortunately.

“It’s important to point out that we get no government help or money from the guards. Any money that we get is from fundraising and it goes directly to the families and for events.”

Danny explained how he got involved with the organisation.

“Working as a guard for 31 years, I have come across a lot of families, and I think every family in this country has a friend or a relation or even a family member who would have special needs. They have an understanding of how much the family go through to cope with that and any little bit of relief that can be given to a family I think is a major benefit for them.”

When Danny and Det Larkin finished their hike, they met some of Cavan’s Little Blue Heroes at the Cavan Crystal Hotel.

“We arranged a little tea party with him [Danny] for some of our local Little Blue Heroes in Cavan,” explained Det Larkin, adding that Amy Fitzpatrick from Ballyjamesduff was presented with her uniform on the day.

As well as this there were some birthday celebrations that took place to celebrate two of ‘The Little Blue Heroes’ as Leah turned 15 and Ryan marked his 10th birthday.

Danny considers the event in the Cavan Crystal one of his highlights from the 11 days.

“I actually got the opportunity of sitting down with the families and maybe getting a feel from them directly on how much the charity meant to them but it does ground you a bit,” he told the Celt.

He spoke about his interactions with the families and said how one of the hidden benefits of the charity is that families don’t feel isolated.

“Family members need help 24/7 and they’re left at home with nothing to focus on, and it allows them to network with other families who are going through the same thing,” said Danny.

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Originally from Galway, Det Larkin has been working in Cavan for 22 years, having been stationed in Cavan Garda Station for two years, Ballyjamesduff for six and then Bailieborough for the past 13 years.

She got involved with Little Blue Heroes through Leon Briody, who is her neighbour and was the foundation’s first Cavan hero.

“I was always aware of Little Blue Heroes. I’d fundraised for them in the past,” she said, adding that Cavan Monaghan did not have their own branch.

“Once Leon got sick, then I got involved with that.

“It’s amazing, it’s absolutely amazing,” she said of working with the foundation.

Currently, the mountain fundraiser has raised €4,275 of a €4,500 goal.

Donations can be made online here.

* Additional reporting by Molly O'Reilly