S.P. O’Reilly (II) gets MD chair for relics’ return

Three Municipal District meetings took place simultaneously in different rooms in Cavan Courthouse last Friday (June 16) in the wake of the council's AGM at which Virginia's T.P. O'Reilly was appointed Cathaoirleach for the year ahead.

It was Independent Ireland's Shane P. O'Reilly who was elevated to the position of chair for the Ballyjamesduff Municipal District in the year that the sacred relics of renowned seventh century Irish martyr Saint Kilian will return to Ireland and his home village of Mullagh later this year.

The arrival of the relics for six days from October 1-6 marks the first time the relics of a martyred Irish saint have visited homesoil from abroad and brings full circle a legacy stretching back nearly 1,400 years.

The pilgrimage will also involve the visit of relics belonging to Saint Kilian’s martyred colleagues - Totnan and Kolonat- from their resting place in the crypt of Würzburg Cathedral in Germany.

The relics consist of three skulls inlaid with precious stones. Among the dignitaries invited to witness the return of the relics are Uachtarán na hÉireann, Michael D. Higgins, An Taoiseach, and several more heads of State.

At the Ballyjamesduff MD meeting, which took place around a table in the County Manager's office, tributes were paid to outgoing MD Chair, T.P. O'Reilly.

Cllr S.P. O'Reilly nominated himself, and was seconded for the position- “reluctantly” and against his “better judgement” he said in jest- by Fine Gael's Trevor Smith. Cllr Smith is a cousin of Cllr O'Reilly's wife Alisha.

Cllr Smith himself was nominated for the post of Leas Cathaoirleach for the year by Cllr O'Reilly, seconded by Cllr Winston Bennett (FG).

There were tributes to Cllr O'Reilly for how he carried the chain during the past 12 months, and to Acting Director of Services for the area, Lynda McGavigan, for how she and her staff conducted the recent local election count.

Cllr S.P. O'Reilly (II) thanked his fellow MD cllrs for their support, noting that the area members had always worked by “consensus”.

He paid tribute too to anyone who had put their name on the ballot paper, and assured the people living in the Ballyjamesduff MD that the six elected will do everything in their collective ability to work in their “best interest”.

In the Cavan-Belturbet MD, where members met in the council chamber proper, Cllr Patricia Walsh was elected chair, nominated for the role by party colleagues John Paul Feeley, and seconded by Niall Smith.

Independent Brendan Fay was elected Leas Cathaoirleach, voted for by Fianna Fáil's John Paul Feeley and Cllr Walsh.

In Bailieborough Cootehill, with members meeting in the office of a Director of Service, Aontú's Sarah O'Reilly claimed the chain for the year, proposed by Fianna Fáil's Clifford Kelly, and seconded by Fine Gael's Carmel Brady.

Sinn Féin's Stiofán Conaty took the vice chair, as nominated and seconded by Cllrs Kelly and Cllr O'Reilly (Aon) respectively.