'Bring on the election' challenges McDonald

Mary Lou McDonald TD has said a general election cannot come soon enough.

The Sinn Féin President claimed the people have "had enough of Fine Gael in power, enough of Fianna Fáil propping them up".

Deputy McDonald made her comments while speaking in the Dáil, during the nomination of the next Finance Minister.

Her comments come only weeks after Sinn Féin experienced a relatively disappointing local election.

Deputy McDonald said: "We are now in the end game of this government. A government that marked the long awaited consummation of the Fine Gael Fianna Fail partnership; parties in government together since 2016; parties that have held power individually and together since the foundation of the state. Parties who above all else display a total commitment and belief to staying in power.

“Today as one Minister moves on and another moves in, one thing is certain - everything will remain exactly the same. That is the present reality. That must change.

“So the choice which will face the people at the next election is stark. A choice of more of the same, or something, new, different. The country has had enough of Fine Gael in power, enough of Fianna Fáil propping them up.

“A general election is coming, and it cannot come soon enough."

Deputy McDonald claimed that her part "can deliver so much better" than the current government parties on key issues.

“On housing. On health. On the opportunities to build a good life here – where housing is affordable, where healthcare is accessible, where the State has your back and the supports you need when you need them.

“That is what Sinn Féin offers - a government that is on the side of workers and families. Opening the corridors of power to voices of ordinary people. New people with new ideas. Ready to prove ourselves, to prove we can deliver something better.

“We believe that workers and families are ready for something new – not a rejig in personnel which sees no change in policy. We can do so much better.

“So bring on the election, bring on the day on which people will have the choice who leads the next government.”