Newly-appointed Peace Commissioner Lorraine O’Neill with Deputy Niamh Smyth, who nominated her for the role.

O’Neill appointed Peace Commissioner

Popular business woman and community volunteer Lorraine O'Neill has been appointed a Peace Commissioner.

Local Fianna Fáil TD Niamh Smyth welcomed Lorraine's appointment, describing her as an inspiration.

“Lorraine is a community stalwart from Redhills, a busy mother of two and business owner in Cavan Town," said Deputy Smyth. “Her ability to balance her professional and personal life while serving our town is truly inspiring. She is and has been a champion campaigner for Cystic Fibrosis in Cavan and her fundraising efforts have seen the introduction of the new cystic fibrosis paediatric in-patient facility at Cavan General Hospital.

“I was delighted to put her name forward for nomination and I'm very pleased to confirm that she has now been appointed. I know she will make a great Peace Commissioner."

The powers and duties of Peace Commissioners consist primarily of taking statutory declarations; witnessing signatures on documents if required by various authorities; and signing certificates and orders under various Acts.