New day centre for adults with disabilities a ‘priority’

The HSE is understood to be looking at a property in the Cootehill area as a potential replacement for the existing but out-dated Day Activation Centre for adults with disabilities in Cavan Town.

The existing Clogher House facility at Rathcorrick was scheduled for decommissioning as far back as 2018. However, it continued to be utilised despite unease over the building's unsuitability.

This is also against a backdrop of growing and anticipated further demand for such services over the the next five years.

Now Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo Disability Services, has engaged with national HSE Disability Services and National HSE Estates Department on the “potential that an identified property/site near Cootehill presents”.

The Anglo-Celt has learned that an eight-figure sum has been ring-fenced for the project. It was sanctioned following approval from the National HSE Capital and Property Steering Group.

Part of the thinking is to cluster disability specific services and expertise to one location. It follows an investment of €20m on a new Holy Family School, and a recent approval of €7.5 million to replace the existing Drumlin House in Cootehill, again where there are concerns over capacity.

A spokesperson confirmed to the Celt that an “initial viewing” was scheduled to take place towards the end of last month, and this would “inform further decisions in the context of existing service plans and service requirements".

“Cavan Monaghan Disability Services are actively working with colleagues in the HSE Estates department with a view to delivering a facility either through a capital build or by lease agreement.

“The HSE Estates department is not currently in a position to provide a time frame for the delivery of the new Day Activation Centre but Cavan Monaghan Disability Services will continue to work closely with colleagues in Estates to ensure this project is progressed as a priority.”

HSE Estates meanwhile is also working on another set of plans to establish a new five-bedroom respite service in Monaghan to catering specifically for children.

Just over €3 million has been allocated to the project, and while this is being built, additional funding has been sanctioned for an interim respite service in Monaghan, to open by October 1.

Already an expression of interest from service providers regarding the new facility has gone out.

Going forward, Cootehill's Annalee View centre, which currently provides children's respite every second week, will become an adult-only facility.

There are, at present almost 60 people waiting for respite services in Cavan and Monaghan, and 36 currently in receipt of supports.

The funding proposal for the Annalee centre was to be submitted to National Estates at the end of quarter two for review.

Commitment has also been given to working with the HSE and local providers on an expansion of services at two other existing facilities in Monaghan - Steadfast House and Errigal Truagh.

Steadfast House in Monaghan, an adult service, provides 840 bed nights, as well as day services.

One option open to the HSE in relation to its children's respite plan is the repurposing of an existing property.

The HSE previously confirmed that the interim facility, set for opening later this year, will operate under an “initial contract for two years until the HSE centre is established”.