Urgent need to resume in-person IWA services in Cavan- TD

Issue raised in the Dáil by Brendan Smith TD.

Families urgently need in-person services at the Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) in Cavan town resumed, Fianna Fáil TD Brendan Smith.

The Cavan-Monaghan TD told the Dáil the halting of services due to staff shortages had caused significant issues for service users, their families and staff in the IWA.

“The lack of in-person services is a very serious loss to those people who depend on such vital support week in, week out,” Deputy Smith told the Dáil this week.

“To the credit of the local IWA staff, they have put in place outreach and online services pending a return to in-centre services.

“I appeal again as strongly as I can on behalf of service users and their families that the HSE should respond positively to the business case put to it by the IWA for some additional small-scale resources which are critical to facilitate a return to the level of services needed in the Cavan centre and have the centre re-open at full capacity to meet the needs of service users.

Minister of State, Anne Rabbitte TD, in response, said a meeting is being organised between the Department of Health, the IWA and HSE with the aim of bringing about an “immediate resolution” to the issue and a return of in-person services at the day centre.