Applications for 2024 Back to School Allowance opens

Payments will be made on the week beginning July 8.

More than 118,000 families will automatically receive the 2024 Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance next month.

Applications for the allowance opened today, announced Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys, with some €65.2 million secured for the scheme this year.

The Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance is a once-off payment made to eligible families to assist them with the cost of sending their children back to school.

The rate of payment for 2024 is €160 for children aged 4 – 11, and €285 for children aged 12 years and over in second level education.

Payments will be made on the week beginning July 8.

Commenting today, Minister Humphreys said: “This is a very important scheme within my Department - recognising the financial pressures that many families face in relation to back-to-school costs.

“I’m pleased to confirm that more than 118,000 families – in respect of 207,000 children - will receive the support automatically next month and are currently being notified by my Department.

“Anyone who does not receive a notification can contact my Department directly to check their eligibility.”

Minister Humphreys added that making education as affordable as possible is a key priority for this Government, including through supporting the expansion of the Hot School Meals Programme which she hopes to make universal in Primary Schools by 2030

Earlier this year her Cabinet colleague Minister Norma Foley also extended the free schoolbooks scheme, announced in 2023 for primary and special schools, to all Junior Cycle students in post-primary schools in the Free Education Scheme.

Some 768,000 children and young people will benefit from the free schoolbooks scheme in the 2024/25 school year.

“We all know that the run-up to the return of the academic year can be a stressful time for parents,” said Minister Humphreys.

“Therefore, I’m pleased to have secured some €65.2 million for the Back-to-School Clothing and Footwear scheme this year, which I know will ease the financial pressure on tens of thousands of families.”