St Michael’s Hall, Cootehill.

‘Build it and they will come’

Progress on the St Michael's Hall development in Cootehill

“Where do I start?” is Connie Whelan’s response when asked to speak about St Michael’s Hall redevelopment.

Connie is the St Michael's Hall Redevelopment Committee Chairperson, the group is still reeling having received funding of €6,129,442, which Connie triumphantly reels off down the phone line.

“We are probably only just starting to get over the shock that we actually have it,” she beamed.

The funding came from the Rural Regeneration and Redevelopment Fund, which was announced by Minister for Rural and Community Development Heather Humphreys during a visit to the hall on Monday, May 13.

The meeting was intended to boost the local fundraising effort towards regenerating the hall.

“We had invited the minister along and sure she took us all by surprise by announcing that we had got the grant.

“We were just over the moon about it, we were taken completely by surprise.”

Connie said that the redevelopment of the hall is a “big project for the town”, with the application for funding sent in along with Cavan County Council.

Currently, an architect must be appointed to the project, which will then proceed to tender process.

“That’s going to take some time. We are very hopeful that it will be completed by early 2026,” Connie revealed.

The town has no community space at the minute and the committee hope that St Michael’s Hall will fill this gap.

“It’s fine, it’s functional but it’s really not fit for purpose in this day and age,” she said.

“Cootehill is lacking greatly in recreation resources for all age groups.”

All singing, all dancing

The new plans will see the space transformed into a “fully functioning all singing all dancing community centre” with up to eight meeting spaces, a fully functional performance area with retractable seating, a stage area with rehearsal space behind.

“We’ve designed the space in such a way that most areas are multi-functional,” she said, adding there there will also be a reception area that can also double up as a meeting space, a recreation and sports area with a full-sized basketball court where they hope to host competitions, and an upstairs area for a snooker room. The space will be fully accessible with a lift and toilets.

“That’s the plan,” Connie said, adding that the hall is situated in a “wonderful” location in the centre of the town.

Connie listed some organisations within the area who will benefit from the redevelopment of the hall, including Drumlin House, The Holy Family School, St Aidan’s Comprehensive School, St Michael’s National School, Darley National School.

“Plus all the organisations,” Connie said, emphasising that there are a “huge number of voluntary organisations and community organisations” in Cootehill.

“It’s one of those cases of 'build it and they will come',” Connie predicted.

“It will be a huge huge asset to the community.”

Connie said that fundraising for the project is ongoing with a “question mark” over receiving match funding from Cavan County Council. “We will need funds when we open the hall so we’re going to carry on with our fundraising.

“We’d just like everybody to get behind the project over the next couple of years and especially once we open.”