Cavan Town reaches all island tidiest final

Participation is based on a town’s performance in the SuperValu Tidy Town

Cavan Town has been selected as one of three towns for the finals in Ireland’s Best Kept Towns Competition 2024.

The county town was entered into the Best Kept Large Town category of the all-island initiative, jointly organised by the Department of Rural and Community Development and the Northern Ireland Amenity Council.

Participation is based on a town’s performance in the SuperValu Tidy Towns or the Northern Ireland Amenity Council’s ‘Best Kept Awards’ in the previous year. Cavan Town won the county award with 357 points, up from 364 the previous year, with judges remarking that the contributions of volunteers had made such a difference to the lives of those living in the community.

Adjudication for the Best Kept Towns Competition took in May, with the overall winner set to be announced at an awards ceremony in Belfast in June. The judging criteria is similar to that of the SuperValu Tidy Towns competition.