Recount of two candidates underway

Recount of two candidates underway

Bailieborough Cootehill

Two candidates - Kristofer Shekleton and Garry Cosgrove - have ended in a dead heat after count #4 in the Bailieborough Cootehill Electoral Area.

When Carmel Brady's surplus of 12 votes was distributed three of her votes stayed in Cootehill landing on Cosgrove's door, while Kingscourt native Shekleton received none. As a result both had 727 votes.

While the figure is 1,000 short of the quota of 1,716 both can chart a possible, if improbable, route to being amongst the last six candidates standing. Who goes out first will have a bearing on other candidates at the least. If Shekleton is eliminated it's likely that his fellow Kingscourt native Clifford Kelly will be the major beneficiary. It's harder to guess where Cosgrove's vote would go.

A recount of only the votes of Cosgrove and Shekleton is underway.