Fine Gael gain following distribution of Shane P O'Reilly's surplus

Sinn Féin's Angela Gaffney eliminated.

Fine Gael was the biggest winner in the distribution of Cllr Shane P O’Reilly’s surplus following the results of count three in the Ballyjamesduff Electoral Area a short time ago. The count also led to the elimination of Angela Gaffney who ran on the Sinn Féin ticket.

Cllr TP O’Reilly received 73 of Shane P’s 174 votes bringing his total to 1,331 and a small step closer to being in contention for the third seat.

Sinn Fein’s Noel Connell received 48 votes and now has a total vote contribution of 1,078 while Angela Gaffney received 32 votes which wasn’t enough to keep her in the race.

Meanwhile, IP’s Lester Gordon secured 19 votes from the distribution (1,050) as did Aontú’s Grainne McPhilips bringing her total to 792. Cllr Philip Brady (FF) received 11 votes (1,306); Cllr Winston Bennett (FG) gained two (1,460); and Nathan Galligan, 10 (836).

The count continues with the redistribution of Angela Gaffney’s votes.