Cllr TP O'Reilly with his family and Fine Gael colleagues following his election to the Ballyjamesduff Municipal District.

Cllr TP O'Reilly 3rd FG councillor to be returned in Ballyjamesduff

He was deemed elected on the eight count around 8pm.

Cllr TP O’Reilly was the third sitting Fine Gael councillor to be returned to the Ballyjamesduff Municipal District after a two-day count this evening at the Cavan Leisure Centre.

He was elected alongside Noel Connell (SF) who lost his seat in 2019 but has been returned by the electorate once again.

Speaking to the Celt, Cllr O’Reilly - who secured a total of 1,715 votes in this election - said it was “great” to get three elected and to see the electorate placing its trust in the local candidates.

Examining the party’s success in the Local Elections, Cllr O’Reilly believes there is deep appreciation by people across the country for rural and community funding that is being spearheaded by the party’s Cavan Monaghan Minister, Heather Humphreys.

He also highlighted the work that has been done in rural towns and villages by local area representatives over the last five years which, he added, has allowed them to put some of the trust back that was afforded to them by being elected in the first instance.

“People are happy with everything that is going on at the minute in their communities and indeed the Minister herself has worked very hard to secure necessary funding across Cavan and Monaghan,” Cllr O’Reilly continued.

“I suppose getting the three Fine Gael candidates elected in the MD acknowledges the work that we have done over the last five years and that is important. Cllr O’Reilly went on to thank all those who supported him over the last five years and he paid special tribute to those “who voted for me”.

“I want to thank everyone; we finished up with a great vote and thanks also to the team behind me - my family and supporters who came out and canvassed with me and helped us to get across the line today. Thanks also to the electorate.”