Brady SF elected after 'Bricker' hits wall

Brady has won back the seat he lost in 2019. McVitty in doubt.

Sinn Féin's Damien Brady has been elected in Count 5 in the Cavan-Belturbet MD, after the vast majority of the vote earned by his party colleague, first time candidate Michael 'Bricker' Wall pushed him over the quota of 1,431.

Brady, who has won back the seat he lost in 2019, earned 529 of 'Bricker' Wall's 984, bringing him up to 1,729.

He has a surplus of 298 which will now be divided in Count 6 before there are any more eliminations.

That surplus of 'Bricker' Wall's votes will at this stage look to lean more favourably towards Fianna Fáil's Patricia Walsh (1,296 +195), meaning that Fine Gael's Peter McVitty (1,192 +26) may lose his seat.

His running mate, Niamh Brady (+32 1,275), looks to hold on to the seat her mother Madeleine held for 25 years before retiring this last election term, while Fianna Fáil's John Paul Feeley (+30 1,323) also looks safe.