Lester Gordon (IP) at the count centre in Cavan

Ballyduff 'dark horse' falls at the last...

Gordon canters on to General Election

Lester Gordon has been eliminated in the eighth and final count of the Ballyjamesduff Electoral area this evening. Regarded as the ‘dark horse’ in the municipal district, his trot towards the finish line - over the last two days - remained steady and he also proved to be a transfer-friendly candidate.

He was pipped at the post shortly before 8pm by Noel Connell (SF) and Cllr TP O’Reilly (FG) who were deemed elected. He has also announced his intention to contest the upcoming General Election which pundits believe will be called in November.

Meanwhile, Gordon bagged an impressive 1,434 votes before the curtain came down on his short lived campaign - he only entered the race three weeks ago and appears to have left his mark in that time.

Speaking to the Celt, he highlighted how the last couple of days “haven’t been easy” but added: “I came in this to win it and it didn’t happen. I want to wish everyone that ran and who got elected we; the people have spoken.

Asked about his success, Lester boils it down to the support he received along the way and to knocking on doors and speaking to the people”. “I’m not complaining, I’m happy, “ he continued. “I wish to run in the next General Election and all of this has been helpful to me in preparing for that.”