The remnants of a fire at Rann Point.

New bye-laws target anti-social behaviour at Rann Point

Bye-laws aimed at equipping authorities with new powers to clampdown on anti-social behaviour at one of the county's most popular scenic spots are in the process of being drafted, the Celt can reveal.

Action to suppress nuisance behaviour at Rann Point is being considered by Cavan County Council, which is working towards modernising the legal foothold that currently exists.

Popular with families, many of whom travel from outside the county to enjoy the natural surrounds, bye-laws have been mooted going back several years.

However, a spate of complaints in recent months has once again shone a spotlight on the issue.

In the past locals and landowners alike have raised concerns over vandalism, as well as the impact of littering, including human waste, and other disruptive behaviours.

Local elected representatives have called for a collaborative approach to dealing with issues concerning a minority of site users, that involves council officials from Environmental Section and members of An Garda Síochána also.

While gardaí are at present manning patrols as part of a special operation, the hope is that the renewed bye-laws will provide them with even more power to police the area, which is adjacent to one of Cavan's most historic attractions, Cloughoughter Castle.

The area is furthermore located in the designated Lough Oughter Special Area of Conservation (SAC), a protected habitat under EU law.

Speaking to the Celt last week, and in the run up to the June Bank Holiday Weekend, Garda Superintendent John Callanan said gardaí were aware of reports of anti-social behaviour in the area around Rann Point.

He wants people visiting to enjoy the amenity responsibly, and to act respectfully towards locals, their property, and each other.

“The vast majority of people enjoy the amenity without issue, and I'd encourage persons using the area to behave in an appropriate manner,” he stated.

A spokesperson for Cavan County Council confirmed that the authority is in the process of drafting a “new set of bye-laws to help deter anti-social behaviour” at Rann Point.

“Local residents and visitors to the area are entitled to enjoy this beautiful amenity without being subjected to littering, excessive noise, and intimidatory behaviour, and Cavan County Council is committed to working alongside An Garda Síochána to ensure this precious natural and heritage resource is preserved for the enjoyment of all.”

Addressing the update, Supt Callanan assured that, once the new bye-laws are in place, the authorities will “pushing them” in terms of enforcement.