Major housing development appealed

Plans for a large residential development, comprising 145 residential units and a crèche, on the outskirts of Cavan Town have been appealed to An Bord Pleanála.

Cavan County Council had granted planning permission to Drumlark Investments Limited for the development with 47 conditions attached.

Established in 2017, Drumlark Investments Limited is registered to an address at Rathcorrick, Cavan.

The company’s plans for lands at Drumlark consist of 91 houses - 25 two-bed units, 55 three-bed units, and 11 four beds - and 54 duplex apartments, along with the provision of a two-storey crèche facility. The 54 duplex departments include 15 one-bed and 39 two-bed units, also ranging in design and style.

A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) was prepared to accompany the application and Drumlark Investments stated that, to accommodate the proposed development, extensive site excavation works were required to reprofile the ground levels within the area.

However, Ciaran Fitzpatrick and others, residents in The Gallops, made a submission on the planning file in which they voiced concerns over the potential impact of the development in terms of light pollution, privacy, flooding, access to services and road safety given the location of the entrance from the road.

In response, a submission by Genesis Planning Consultants on behalf of Drumlark Investments, said that the plans included mitigation measures to reduce the impact of development-generated traffic on the surrounding road network, as well as measures to ensure no surface water flows from the site.

The case is due to be decided by the planning authority by early September.