Kelly's king in Kingscourt


All four boxes in Kingscourt returned resounding support for Clifford Kelly.

Like Baileiborough, Kingscourt was regarded as a real battleground in this MD as there were four candidates from the town: Clifford Kelly, Marina McEntee, John (Sean) O'Reilly and Kristofer Shekleton.

Initial tallies suggest the Fianna Fáil stalwart amassed an impressive 771 first preferences.

Kristofer Shekleton of Independents Ireland secured 235 first preferences; while first time candidate for Sinn Féin Marina McEntee claimed 147 first preferences. John (Sean) O'Reilly meanwhile only gathered a first preference vote in double figures.

There was never going to be enough votes in Kingscourt alone to get a candidate elected, however the four Matt Talbot boxes are crucial if any of the quartet are to retain aspirations of gaining a seat.

While Kelly is well positioned at this early stage he previously hasn't been that transfer friendly, so he will be hopeful to find a further boost in Shercock.

Shekleton's hopes may well have been fatally damaged already; McEntee and O'Reilly look poised to be amongst the early eliminations in this MD.