Declan Smith on the keyboard.

Volunteer of the Year Finalist: Declan making music and memories in Laragh

The Laragh Gala Variety Show is a firm fixture on the local calendar, bringing together a community and celebrating their individual and collective talents. But to make that happen it requires an army of local volunteers and hundreds of volunteer hours. Declan Smith is one of the show's stalwarts, having risen through the ranks as a child performer, to becoming an integral part of current production crew.

Married to Theresa and dad to one-year-old Charlie, Declan is a tutor in electrics at Cavan Institute and in his “spare time” enjoys playing music. He started out as a trad musician, winning three All Ireland's on accordion, before expanding his repertoire in later years to include singing, keyboards and guitar.

With such a wide ranging talent, Declan gives his time to serve as musical director behind the scenes at the Laragh Gala, helping perfect between 30 to 40 songs, from choruses to soloists, supporting them in their practice and ensuring that they're ready for curtain call.

Approaching 40 years, Declan recognises the importance of keeping the show alive, and of giving back to something to the group that played such a formative role in his young career.

Today Declan enjoys being part of the legacy of those encouraging new young performers to take the stage. “That's the secret to any successful show is bringing on new talent. I'd have looked up to the likes of Mickey Brady on guitar and Mary Fitzpatrick, she actually taught me music. It's a huge community event, and everyone is involved, backstage, on stage. There could be over 100 in a cast. It's a big event in the parish every year. It's certainly one that's on everyone's calendar.”

Outside of the Laragh Gala Variety Show, Declan furthermore shares his musical talents in other aspects of the community. The former minor player with Laragh GAA plays both keyboards and sings at his local church, and two years ago set about helping to organise Christmas Carolling in the community as well.

He is also a former leader with the very active local Foróige group.