Cllr Paddy McDonald (SF).

Bailieborough Cootehill MD: Cllr Paddy McDonald (SF)

Married to Brenda, he has two adult children and six grandchildren. From Knockbride he moved to Bailieborough at 17 in 1969 where he's lived ever since. He worked in Flair International for 40 years making shower enclosures and bathroom accessories. He joined Sinn Féin in 1980 and was first elected to Cavan County Council in 2004, and has held the seat for the past 20 years.

How do you unwind?

I'm very much involved in Bailieborough Shamrocks Football Club, I go to all the matches, and do umpire or gate if wanted.

I go to the lake and do a bit of pike fishing, and I am a keen walker - a member of Bailieborough Walking Club.

Why should people vote for you?

I've a proven track record. I have worked for the people of Bailieborough Cootehill Electoral Area for the past 20 years and I do my best to help ordinary working class people. I'm known on the ground, I work nice and quietly - I don't get on Facebook, I like to meet someone face to face, hear their problems and try to get it solved to the best of my ability. As well as the Shamrocks I'm involved in a lot of local groups - the St Patrick's Day Parade, Bailieborough Tidy Towns, I'm chairperson fo Bailieboro Community Association for the past eight to 10 years and we have a lot of good people doing a lot of great work in our community.

What will you do to address housing supply?

At the moment Cavan County Council have over 1,100 people between HAP and on the waiting list. We have to be building more social houses - it's a huge issue. I have been out on the canvas trail for the past three weeks and talking to young people, they are still living in their childhood bedroom. We have to make it easier for young people to get on the housing ladder and reduce rents. There's young people paying rents of €1,400 a month for an ordinary three bed, that would pay a big mortgage.

Income limits for the council's social housing need to be increased so it is easier for people to qualify for social housing.

There's a group of people in between who are never going to get into the property market.

I'd like to welcome the 47 houses that are going to be built in Pairc na Téile. They hope to turn the sod in June.

Has Ireland taken in enough refugees?

We need control. The doors and ports were opened too wide, we didn't have control over who was coming. We should have had centres where they could go and get documents vetted. Within three months those people should be moved on to accommodation or if they don't qualify: deported.

I was in hospital getting a hip replacement, and you see the wonderful people working as nurses and doctors, Filipinos, Indians. We do need people coming in with expertise because a lot of our young doctors and nurses have emigrated, and one of the main reasons is we don't look after them financially and they can't get accommodation either. Sinn Féin hasn't an open door policy, we do need control.

What's your main campaigning issue?

Housing would be the biggest issue in the urban area, and in the rural area it is roads and the lack of funding from government.

The farming community is suffering as well. There's nitrates and so much red tape in filling out all these forms. The goalposts keep moving with applications, you'd nearly need to be a barrister to get through all the work.

Should the biodiversity/climate crises be top of the council agenda?

It should be one of the top issues. Housing is the main one, but biodiversity is very important.

We have to leave this country in a safe place for our children and grandchildren.

I know we are not the worst in the world. We are probably using too many chemicals in spraying land, so there is a lot of issues effecting the environment.

Who in the political sphere has influenced you most?

I would be a big Fidel Castro fan, I've read a lot about him. Cuba is a very safe country, and everyone is entitled to free healthcare. The divide isn't like here - people are more equal, here the divide is getting wider and wider.

And after my son marrying a Vietnamese girl, I've been out there and have read all about Ho Chi Minh and all he achieved - and he did it with the will of the people.