Teen clocked driving at 141km on N3 during rush hour

Mother was a front-seat passenger

Local gardaí, who clocked a car travelling at 141km on the N3 in rush hour traffic last Friday, were stunned to find the driver was a teenage boy whose mother was the front seat passenger.

Members attached to the Cavan Road Policing detected the high-powered Audi speeding between Cavan and Virginia last Friday, May 10.

The car was forced to pull to the side of the road, and in posts now shared widely on social media, gardaí allege that the mother of the boy, aged just 16 years, “allowed” him to drive the vehicle.

An investigation file has since been opened and the car was seized at the side of the road.

The youth involved has since had his name referred to the Garda Youth Diversion Programme, while his mother is set to appear before the courts at a later date.

It is not the first time a case like this has been detected by gardaí in Cavan however.

Back in March a woman was convicted and fined €300 for being the owner of a vehicle being driven with no insurance attached.

The court heard the woman had been spotted driving towards a checkpoint but turned back, before swapping places in the car with her 16-year-old child.

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The latest detections follow an extensive Garda Roads Policing Operation right across the country over the May Bank Holiday Weekend.

During that campaign, an average of one person was arrested for suspected drink or drug driving every hour over the five-day period from Thursday through to Tuesday.

According to the latest figures, shared at a recent Joint Policing Committee meeting, there were 19 detections for drug driving in the first three months of 2024 in Cavan. compared to 12 in the first quarter of 2023.