What's on in Cavan
Poetry Reading
WHERE: Johnston Central Library
WHEN: Thursday, April 25, 7pm
WHAT: Reading by Dr. Paddy Halligan of his original for Poetry Ireland Day. The former Bailieborough GP is an accomplished poet, as shown in his collection of poetry ‘Waitress and other poems’. Everybody is most welcome to attend.
Poetry Day
WHERE: Belturbet Library
WHEN: Thursday, April 25
WHAT: To mark Poetry Day Ireland the library will host an event on Thursday 7-8pm. Come along and read a poem [your own if you like] write a poem or share a poem.
WHERE: Johnston Central Library
WHEN: Exhibition finishes this Friday, April 26
WHAT: Last chance to catch Thomas Higgin’s Exhibition at the events space.
Sweet Spirit Gospel Singers
WHERE: Aughawillan Church
WHEN: Friday, April 26 at 8pm
WHAT: Performing will be The Sweet Spirit Gospel Singers. A great night is assured with the performance of some favourites such as ‘Hard Times’, ‘O Happy Day’, ‘Lean on Me’, ‘Bless the House’ and many more well known / Admission €10 for a great night entertainment. Eircode N41 CX 27.
Virginia & District Historical Society
WHERE: Virginia Library
WHEN: Friday, April 26 at 7:30pm
WHAT: John Smith will take us on a nostalgic journey through the history of the Virginia Road Railway and the iconic Virginia Road Station.
Darkness into Light registration
WHERE: The Lemon Tree bar, Bailieborough
WHEN: Friday, April 26, 6-8pm
WHAT: Registration The Lemon Tree bar on Barrack Street. Darkness into Light will take place on Saturday, May 11 at 4.15am. You can still register on-line at https://www.darknessintolight.ie/sign-up
Dougal’s Dilemma
WHERE: Townhall Theatre, Cavan
WHEN: Friday and Saturday, April 26-27
WHAT: A hilarious two act comedy performed by the award winning Ballintemple Variety Troupe. They play the Friday and Saturday, April 26-27 at 8pm. 50% of proceeds from both nights go to IMNDA. Book at: www.townhallartscentre.com or 049 438 0494. Friday sold out, but tickets still available for Saturday night.
‘Help Gerry Walk Again’ Night
WHERE: Killinkere Leisure Centre lounge
WHEN: Saturday, April 27, from 9pm
WHAT: A special fundraiser night for Help Gerry Walk Again. Promises to be plenty of craic, with some brilliant raffle prizes to be won.
“Ages and Stages”
WHERE: Killeshandra Community Centre
WHEN: Saturday, April 30, 8pm
WHAT: Cavan Older Peoples Drama Group are performing their production “Ages and Stages” Doors open 7.30pm. The group have written and produced this show themselves; a great evening's entertainment. Admission is free but booking essential: 049 4378654 or agefriendly@cavancoco.ie to book.
Wonder Youth Theatre Ballyjamesduff
WHERE: St Joseph's Hall, Ballyjamesduff
WHEN: April 27-28
WHAT: Present Sister Act 2 - Back in the Classroom. Join us for a night of drama, music, tears, and laughter, as we revisit the iconic scenes from Sister Act 2! Text 087 7010456 or go to Facebook/Instagram @Wonder Youth Theatre
Dawn Chorus
WHERE: Bailieborough
WHEN: Sunday, April 28
WHAT: Dawn Chorus Walk at the Castle Lake, meet at 5am at the lakeshore car park at Lear. Wear warm clothes. No dogs please. Tea and biscuits afterwards. All welcome.
Ballyjamesduff Creative Space
WHERE: Ballyjamesduff
WHEN: Mondays 7-9pm
WHAT: An art group for adults in the local community. The group provides a place to express your creativity and meet new people. We welcome all abilities to paint, draw, colour and draw. €5 per week. Contact 087 6283560.