Wheelchair Association forced to ‘Outreach only model’
Current staffing levels and resources blamed for change.
Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) Centre in Cavan says it has been forced to shift to an ‘Outreach only model’ due to current staffing levels and resources available.
The organisation says it faces disruption to its normal service delivery, with dedicated staff at the local centre and at a national level “working tirelessly” to ensure that no member is left isolated as a result of this change.
IWA Cavan Centre Day Services have been forced to shift to an ‘Outreach only model’, similar to how services operated during COVID times. This includes scheduled community days for participants, home visits, online events and daily phone calls.
Up until now the IWA operated a Resource and Outreach service from its base at Block D, Corlurgan Business Park, Cavan.
Last year the local branch said it was at a critical point with service delivery.
The organisation suffered the loss of Community Employment places post Covid, which was eight in 2020 and reduced to zero in 2023.
The IWA said in a statement issued this afternoon that due to current staffing levels and resources available, it is unable to provide an ‘in-person’ service in the Cavan centre, and that an Outreach service is the “only viable option” left for service delivery.
IWA has been facing ongoing recruitment and retention challenges due to the ongoing pay disparity within the healthcare sector, but says it remains positive and committed to providing the best services possible to their members.
While this situation has been a change for both the staff in Cavan and the members, IWA is working diligently to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
The organisation said in its statement to The Anglo-Celt that it would like to express their gratitude to their members, their families, and the local community for their understanding and unwavering support during this time.
“We have been talking to all our members on an ongoing basis and are holding an engagement evening for members and their families to ensure that everyone gets their information first-hand and is kept up to date. We continue to use a mixture of in person and online methods to stay connected and we can’t wait to get back to full service. We thank everyone for their concern and patience,” said Ruth Fox, IWA Centre Coordinator.