Partial solar eclipse will be visible on Monday night

James Cox

Sky gazers will have the chance to see part of a solar eclipse on Monday evening.

The moon will pass in front of the sun at around 7.55pm, blocking out most of its light for a time.

The rare celestial event hasn't been seen in Ireland this century, with the last one occurring back in 1999.

The full eclipse is visible from the US, Canada and Mexico.

Dave Moore from Astronomy Ireland outlined what is in store.

Mr Moore said: "There will be partial eclipses. That's where a part of the sun gets covered by the moon. Not as spectacular, day doesn't turn to night, but you can see a bite taken out of the sun.

"That's what we're going to get. It depends on where you are. If you're on the east coast the sun will set earlier than the west coast, so you'll see more if you're in the west."