Slawomir Sulikowski, Amelia and Adrian at their Drumgola Woods house.

VIDEO: Christmas house draws people from far and wide

Drumgola lights visible from Ballyhaise Road

A house on the outskirts of Cavan Town has become a local attraction as people come to see the impressive Christmas lights display.

Father of two Slawomir Sulikowski admits to being passionate about decorations, he can hardly deny it. He explains to the Celt he has about 26 different illuminated features adorning the front of their Drumgola Woods home. It takes about a day and a half to festoon the house in lights from the twinkling red chimney down to the pair of white reindeer standing sentinel at the front door, and beyond with features filling the garden up to the white light tree at the gate.

When the Celt visited on Friday night a carload of admirers pulled up to congratulate Slawomir on his display. They had spotted its glow from the Ballyhaise Road - about a mile and a half away, and had searched three different estates trying to try to track it down. Their appearance doesn't raise an eye brow amongst the Sulikowski household as they are used to random strangers pulling up to view the house in its full glory. They estimate two or three cars pull up daily.

"It's the best Christmas house in Cavan," hollered the appreciative passenger as the car moved off.

That's what Slawomir's wife Malgorzata and children, Adrian (10) and Amelia (6) think too.

"I don't know if it's true, but it's one of them," surmises Slawomir, who is an Evolve manager with Aldi and has had some colleagues over the see his lights.

He aims to build on the display next year with new additions, and possibly have a collection for a charity.

"We wish all the people in Cavan a happy Christmas," says Slawomir.