Mullagh Lake from the Hill. Photo by Breedge Kelly

Cloudy with patches of light rain today

Weather update from Met Éireann

Mild for this time of year. Generally cloudy with some rain or drizzle at times.

That's the latest weather outlook from the national weather forecaster.

Today will be mostly cloudy with patches of light rain, drizzle and mist. Highest temperatures of 10 to 13 degrees, in a light to moderate south to southwest wind, occasionally fresh later.

Staying mostly cloudy tonight with some patches of light rain or drizzle, mainly near western coasts. Little change from daytime temperatures, with lows of 8 to 11 degrees, in a moderate south to southwest wind.

Most places will be dry on Saturday. It'll be cloudy with patches of light rain or drizzle, mainly near coasts. Becoming breezier with a moderate to fresh southerly wind developing. Highest temperatures of 11 to 13 degrees.

Rain will move in across much of Ulster and Connacht on Saturday night but it will stay generally dry elsewhere with just patches of drizzle. It will be breezy with a moderate to fresh southerly wind, strong in coastal areas. Staying mild with temperatures not falling below 9 to 11 degrees.

Sunday is likely to be cloudy and damp with outbreaks of rain or drizzle extending to most areas. Breezy at first with moderate to fresh southerly winds, becoming lighter as the day goes on. Mild again with highest temperatures of 11 to 13 degrees.

Cloudy with scattered light rain or drizzle and patches of mist and fog overnight on Sunday. Lowest temperatures of 9 to 13 degrees in a light to moderate south to southwest wind.

It looks like Monday will be another generally cloudy day with scattered light rain or drizzle. Highest temperatures of 9 to 13 degrees in a light to moderate southwesterly wind.