Kevin Meehan is one of the men behind

Team players at

Best Emerging New Business is an online platform that enables employers to advertise career opportunities to the local GAA community in a way that makes it easier for members to find employment locally. This, in turn, helps GAA clubs to retain members and contributes to local communities developing and thriving.

The business was founded by Kevin Meehan, along with Rod Sheils and Padraig Byrne during the Pandemic.

It became clear to them the benefits of working in an environment surrounded by support networks and how that was a key contributor towards a more stable lifestyle and positive mental health.

A majority of business partners note the best thing about is the niche audience to which it offers them the ability to advertise.

Rod says that GAA members are highly sought in business because they possess a multitude of skills that are career transferable.

“We want the local clubs to become stronger as a result of this,” explained Rod.

“GAA people are team players; competitive, loyal, disciplined and hardworking. We have 170 companies registered with us and 345 jobs live online at the moment as well.

“There are 2,000 GAA clubs nationwide and 500 abroad. We want GAA to be a focal point to find employment, access local GAA clubs and perhaps entice people back home,” he continued at the Pitch Night for the awards.

He says that the best business advice they received was to “just go for it”.

“Our aim is to bring the brand to a place where it becomes a ‘go-to’ careers platform for people within the GAA community, not just in Ireland, but worldwide. We believe there is huge potential for scalability of the brand to become international.”


Log on to for more information or call 086-2028891.