Boliden to respond to unions on return date

Boliden Tara Mines is to remain in care and maintenance mode, but the company has agreed to respond to unions by next Tuesday (17th October) on a date for recommencement.

The Company agreed to extend the current support package for employees until the new year at a meeting of unions with management this morning (Thursday).

Gunnar Nyström, General Manager, Boliden Tara Mines said: "Unfortunately, the factors that influenced the decision to temporarily place the mine into care and maintenance are still evident. As such, it is not possible to be definitive about the timeline for reopening."

SIPTU Sector Organiser, John Regan, said: "We insisted that a date for the recommencement must be delivered by the company as a matter of urgency. Failing to do so will only see all parties back before the WRC. The company committed to respond by next Tuesday (17th October) on the recommencement date."

The meeting this morning between management and representatives from the company’s group of unions, was to review the working arrangements and support package that were agreed after the mine was placed into care and maintenance on July 14th 2023.

SIPTU confirmed the union has secured an extension of a Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) agreement that covers temporary lay-offs at Tara Mines.

The agreement, which includes a €65 retainer to all workers on temporary lay-off along with the extension to the premium payment of health insurance, has been extended until 31st January. At the talks, a framework was also agreed for a "return to normal operations" at the Navan facility.

"At the meeting, management also confirmed further engagement on the union’s proposals to assist in an early return to normal operations and agreed the use of an external facilitator to assist with this process.

"It was also agreed to commence negotiations on a voluntary redundancy package as workers cannot be left in limbo and indefinitely on lay-off."

SIPTU representatives have also welcomed a commitment on increased and pay-related benefits in Budget 2024, but said the timeframe must be brought forward to help workers such as those in Tara Mines.

SIPTU Divisional Organiser, Adrian Kane, said: "Lay-offs at Tara Mines are having a devastating effect on the workers, their families, and the local economy. We need to strengthen the social floor for people in this desperate situation. The Government can move emergency legislation to make this happen.

"While we welcome the Budget commitments, they will be too little, too late for the Tara Mines workers. SIPTU has called on the Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys, to guarantee that social welfare benefits will not be reduced for these workers having secured the retention allowance."

According to management, the decision to temporarily enter care and maintenance was taken to safeguard the future of the mine and stem the unsustainable financial losses experienced by the company.

Mr Nyström said: “Today’s meeting follows on from four other constructive meetings held with the group of unions since the mine was temporary suspended in July 2023.

"Today the Company has agreed to extend the current support package for employees until the new year.

"We thank the group of unions for their continued engagement and will remain in dialogue with employees and all stakeholders throughout the period of care and maintenance.

"Boliden Tara Mines will continue to work closely with all stakeholders and the company’s group of unions to explore potential options to re-open the mine."