First anniversary of Creeslough tragedy approaches

Cavan Supt overseeing inquiry into blast.

An Garda Síochána says it continuing to work “diligently and as expeditiously as possible” to ensure that all the circumstances of the fatal explosion at Creeslough, Co Donegal are are “professionally investigated”.

Ten people died and a further eight were injured. Those killed were aged from five to 59 years.

As the first anniversary of the fatal explosion at a building complex approaches, October 7, the force adds that the victims, their families, friends and the Creeslough community “are in our thoughts, at this time”.

The investigation into the blast is being coordinated from Milford Garda station where an Incident Room is established under the direction of a Garda Senior Investigating Officer.

The senior officer in question, Superintendent Séan Grant, was assigned to oversee the inquiry last year.

His full time arrival as the new Superintendent to the Cavan district has been delayed as a result.

The investigation continues to be supported by other Garda sections; the Garda National Bureau of Criminal Investigation (GNBCI), Garda Síochána Analysis Service (GSAS) and Garda Technical Bureau.

An Garda Síochána continues to be assisted in this investigation by the Health and Safety Authority, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities and DNV – Det Norske Veritas.

The extensive investigation to date has actioned in excess of 1350 lines of enquiry, with more than 900 statements also taken.

A Family Liaison Team with a dedicated Family Liaison Officer has been appointed to each deceased person’s family is in place and continues to support the bereaved families.

Supt Grant was formerly an Inspector attached to Buncrana Garda Station.

Supt Grant was due to replace Former Cavan Garda Superintendent Padraic Jones who began a new job as Chief Superintendent assigned to lead the Garda National Community Engagement Bureau.