RTÉ, NCT and Ticketmaster among least trusted companies in Ireland
Kenneth Fox
RTÉ is one of the most unpopular and least-trusted companies in Ireland, according to the latest annual Irish Customer Experience Report.
It has come last in a list of leading brands, recording the biggest fall in its customer experience score — down 17 per cent — while its trust score fell by a massive 25 per cent.
As the Irish Examiner reports, the poor result has come in the wake of the Ryan Tubridy pay scandal but he is not the only reason customers have given for not liking RTÉ.
The other reasons include the regular showing of repeats and issues with the RTÉ Player.
Others to see their ranking fall significantly include Ticketmaster, NCT and Amazon, who were among the worst performers in the survey of almost 150 brands, which was carried out by Amarách Research on behalf of The CX Company.
The latest annual Irish Customer Experience (CX) report published on World CX Day shows Ireland’s overall CX score rose by 4.9 per cent this year, the biggest increase since the survey began in 2015.
Some 85 per cent of brands improved their score, with supermarkets, pharmacies, and health insurance companies among the leading performers.
Once again, credit unions emerge as the undisputed champion, not only claiming its position for an unprecedented ninth year in a row but also improving its CX score and widening the gap between it and its rivals in the process.
Power City, which recorded the second-highest score for the positive impact of its staff, has broken into the top 10 for the first time this year, claiming third position.
The company is followed by Smyths Toystore in fourth, and Specsavers in fifth place.
Other companies to fare well included Laya Healthcare in sixth, M&S Simply Food in ninth and Dunnes in tenth place.